Sunday, June 14, 2009

Church In Morogoro!

Oh goodness! Church was amazing this morning and God once again was see in many new and old ways. Kevin Harwi spoke and did a spectacular job. There was a translator and when he translated he would shout to the Lord as if he knew God was listening and he was having a conversation. It was just so awesome to see the way the worshiped and prayed. The woman in the choir would sing and dance and do as skip while singing. Once offering was giving the danced down the isle and sang a new song. There were testimony's from the people and they were short and to the point yet so powerful. The school kids did a couple of songs, skits and in Swahili recited chapters of psalms all from memory. How many of you can do that? It was just a great experience! And I'm so glad to be able to share with you.

Looking forward tomorrow's VBS and home care!


  1. Lex! This all sounds so wonderful, I'm so happy for you! I miss you unbearably, so be sure and don't forget to come back when Jesus says it's okay. I adore you, give my love to Mal and some mild like to Jer! Keep it up, the Big Man upstairs told me he was pleased with you.

  2. Hola, Lexy!
    Jonny and I are so excited that you are part of some awesome ministry going on in Africa. I will be checking this blog often for updates so I can read all about your adventures! We're praying for you guys and we love you to pieces!
